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torresal edited this page on May 24, 2018 · 8 revisions

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Integrating a "Hello World" Dataset Type

For definitions of terminology used, please refer to our terminology reference.

In this tutorial, we continue where we left off in integrating our first job type, Hello World. We will update our job type to generate a HySDS dataset that will be automatically ingested and catalogued into the system.

  1. On the mozart instance, navigate to the hello_world repository

    Code Block
    cd ~/mozart/ops/hello_world
  2. We need to author a dataset ID scheme according to the HySDS dataset specification. In this tutorial, we will use the following dataset ID scheme

    Code Block

    where <year> will be replaced by a fictional observation year and likewise for <month><day><hour><minute><second> and <hash>. An example instance of this dataset ID would be

    Code Block
  3. Edit the script that runs our job type

    Code Block

    and add code to create an instance of our dataset. The script should look like this

    Code Block
    echo "Hello World"
    echo "Hello World to STDERR" 1>&2
    # generate dataset ID
    timestamp=$(date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%NZ)
    hash=$(echo $timestamp | sha224sum | cut -c1-5)
    echo "dataset ID: $id"
    # create dataset directory
    mkdir $id
    # create fake data
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=$fake_data_file bs=1M count=5
    # create minimal dataset JSON file
    echo "{\"version\": \"v1.0\"}" > $dataset_json_file
    # create minimal metadata file
    echo "{}" > $metadata_json_file

    Access the documentation on the specifications for the HySDS dataset JSON file and metadata JSON file for more detail. Finally, commit your change and push the update

    Code Block
    git commit -a -m "add dataset generation"
    git push

    If your jenkins job for the master branch of your hello_world repo was configured correctly, the git push should have kicked off a rebuild of the container. If not, navigate to your ciinstance (e.g. http://:8080) and manually schedule a build

  4. Test the script by running it

    Code Block
    dataset ID: hello_world-product-20170907T141956.052530118Z-8d5a7
    5+0 records in
    5+0 records out
    5242880 bytes (5.2 MB) copied, 0.439011 s, 11.9 MB/s

    You should see the dataset directory you just created sitting there in your directory. Ensure that the fake_data.dat and the HySDS dataset and metadata JSON files were generated

    Code Block
    ls -l hello_world-product-*
    total 5128
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ops ops 5242880 Sep  7 14:19 fake_data.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ops ops      20 Sep  7 14:19 hello_world-product-20170907T141956.052530118Z-8d5a7.dataset.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ops ops       3 Sep  7 14:19 hello_world-product-20170907T141956.052530118Z-8d5a7.met.json
  5. Now let's try to ingest this new dataset into our catalog

    Code Block
    ~/mozart/ops/hysds/scripts/ hello_world-product-20170907T141956.052530118Z-8d5a7 ~/mozart/etc/datasets.json

    You should've gotten an error that the data was not recognized

    Code Block
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/ops/mozart/ops/hysds/scripts/", line 16, in <module>
        os.path.abspath(args.ds_dir), None)
      File "/home/ops/mozart/ops/hysds/hysds/", line 204, in ingest
        r = Recognizer(dsets_file, local_prod_path, objectid, version)
      File "/home/ops/mozart/ops/hysds/hysds/", line 53, in __init__
      File "/home/ops/mozart/ops/hysds/hysds/", line 84, in _recognize
        raise RecognizerError("No dataset configured for %s. Check %s." % (path, self.dataset_file))
    hysds.recognize.RecognizerError: No dataset configured for /home/ops/mozart/ops/hello_world/hello_world-product-20170907T141956.052530118Z-8d5a7. Check /home/ops/mozart/etc/datasets.json.
  6. Let's configure our new dataset so that it can be recognized by our HySDS cluster. Since we want to ensure all nodes in our cluster is able to recognize this new dataset, we need to make updates to the datasets.json file in ~/.sds/files. Still on mozart

    Code Block
    cd ~/.sds/files

    edit the datasets.json file

    Code Block
    vi datasets.json

    and add the following dataset configuration below the dumby-product configuration

    Code Block
       "ipath": "hysds::data/hello_world-product",
       "match_pattern": "/(?P<id>hello_world-product-(?P<year>\\d{4})(?P<month>\\d{2})(?P<day>\\d{2})T.*)$",
       "alt_match_pattern": null,
       "extractor": null,
       "level": "l0",
       "type": "hello_world-data",
       "publish": {
         "s3-profile-name": "default",
         "location": "s3://{{ DATASET_S3_ENDPOINT }}:80/{{ DATASET_BUCKET }}/products/hello_world/{version}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{id}",
         "urls": [
           "http://{{ DATASET_BUCKET }}.{{ DATASET_S3_WEBSITE_ENDPOINT }}/products/hello_world/{version}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{id}",
           "s3://{{ DATASET_S3_ENDPOINT }}:80/{{ DATASET_BUCKET }}/products/hello_world/{version}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{id}"
       "browse": {
         "s3-profile-name": "default",
         "location": "s3://{{ DATASET_S3_ENDPOINT }}:80/{{ DATASET_BUCKET }}/browse/hello_world/{version}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{id}",
         "urls": [
           "http://{{ DATASET_BUCKET }}.{{ DATASET_S3_WEBSITE_ENDPOINT }}/browse/hello_world/{version}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{id}",
           "s3://{{ DATASET_S3_ENDPOINT }}:80/{{ DATASET_BUCKET }}/browse/hello_world/{version}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{id}"

    and save.

  7. Run the following fabric command to push the update you made to the datasets.jsontemplate on mozart

    Code Block
    cd ..
    fab -f -R mozart send_template:datasets.json,~/mozart/etc/datasets.json

    You should have output similar to the following

    Code Block
    [] Executing task 'send_template'
    [] run: cp "$(echo ~/mozart/etc/datasets.json)"{,.bak}
    [] put: <file obj> -> /home/ops/mozart/etc/datasets.json
  8. Now let's try to ingest this new dataset into our catalog

    Code Block
    cd ~/mozart/ops/hello_world
    ~/mozart/ops/hysds/scripts/ hello_world-product-20170907T141956.052530118Z-8d5a7 ~/mozart/etc/datasets.json
  9. Verify that your new dataset was published to your HySDS cluster. Open up a browser and point it to your grq instance's tosca (Dataset FacetSearch) interface (e.g. https:///search). On the left panel you should see your new dataset type listed under the "dataset" facet showing 1 result


    Click on "hello_world-product" under the "dataset" facet and your result set should be constrained now to just the dataset you just ingested

  10. Now that we've verified that the new dataset is recognized by the system, let's push the updates to the rest of the system. On mozart

    Code Block
    sds stop all
    sds update all
    sds ship
    sds start all

That's it!

Congratulations, you've integrated a new dataset type into your HySDS cluster.

To configure Autoscaling groups for your HySDS cluster, continue on to Create-AWS-Autoscaling-Group-for-Verdi.

To configure a staging area for your HySDS cluster, continue on to Create-AWS-Resources-for-Staging-Area.

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