




Internal HySDS wiki “how-to” page dispositions

Finished dispositions in “how-to” section

Forwarded ARIA related docs to Marjorie

Forwarded other articles to Lan for review

Passed on assigned pages to relevant stakeholders

Waiting for stakeholders to migrate/delete/etc

Style Guide

Finished v1. need to consolidate language re “contributor guide” etc

Need to unify page naming convention

Page labeling structure

Finished the table of expanded labels, applied to all wiki pages, incorporated into style guide

Migrate pages to Cosmos.

Dispositioned 2 pages from internal wiki review for migration to Cosmos.

I don’t have editing access, Lan will take ownership of this

Link to pages

Passed on to relevant stakeholder

Waiting for Lan to migrate

Stack Overflow Q&A workflow

Confluence “Knowledge Base” feature isn’t as useful as hoped; creates another “Space” within Confluence, some additional friction points. (Knowledge base feature is just a repackaging of macros) Link

Note: Since its a separate “space” from the core wiki, the content isn’t as findable via the wiki search

Alternative option:

Posted a Q&A in Stack Overflow showing where to cross-post in public wiki. Created page “shortcut” in public wiki for greater visibility. Link

Create template for new Q&A and document in guide

Needs a final decision on which option to use going forward.

Updating and finalizing all page footers

The tri-box footer was modified. Per Lan’s feedback, a separate “page maintainer” category was added.

The page feedback thumbs up/down options were never integrated. I implemented a basic solution using Google Analytics + Google Forms. Due to Confluence’s limitations, the individual page’s receiving positive feedback can’t be identified. Page’s receiving negative feedback are sent to an embedded Google Form asking users for improvement suggestions.

Lan’s gmail has been added to this form’s users.

Also, the trackers for positive and negative total click counts are added inside Google Analytic’s Dashboard (Hook has full access)

Note: the feedback implementation required two new pages to be created. The “Thumbs Up” and “Thumbs Down” pages live in the wiki development folder

I’m almost finished with updating all pages with the v2 footer

Updating all pages with a Confidence level indicator

Per Lan’s request, I adopted a page confidence level indicator similar to what is used on Cosmos: red, yellow, green.

While updating the footers I also applied confidence indicators conservatively. Most pages received a red “Confidence TBD” due to lack of knowledge about the page’s status.

The statuses can be edited and upgraded as page moderators and SME’s review the wiki.

The confidence indicator styling elements now live on the Contributor Guide for easy copy/paste access

Applying confidence indicators to remaining pages in tandem with footer

Update Beginner’s Guide with Bird’s eye view diagram

Alex identified a slide for use as a “bird’s eye” view of HySDS for beginner’s guide.

Need feedback incorporating Alex’s suggestions

Awaiting feedback

Update Beginner’s Guide with Docker TPS links

Per Lan’s request

Need to review forwarded links and search online to collate best resources for intro to Docker

Combine/update “Glossary” and “Components” wiki pages. Incorporate into Beginner’s Guide

While updating wiki pages, two similar pages were found.

TODO: merge, update, and link the final page with Beginners guide.

Need to merge pages

Fill in content on placeholder pages using SDD, etc

Placeholder article table needs to be reviewed further to fill with content using existing assets via SDD, etc.

Potential tag up for filling in pages

Need support from SME’s finding applicable content

Convert L1 diagram to table

Add tech stack diagram to beginners guide page

See screenshot from SDD