Projects using HySDS

Projects using HySDS


Currently HySDS is integrated into several projects at JPL and elsewhere. It was built at JPL for the purpose for supporting research in areas of radar and satellite data processing, weather and climate modeling and data assimilations, and large-scale data synthesis and analysis. There are unique opportunities for discovery made possible with science data systems as well as significant challenges for data management, curation, access, analysis, maintenance of provenance and computing.

Because HySDS is comprised of many components all working in concert, it is highly modular. This approach allows the flexibility to support the unique science requirements and user needs of many different projects. Please visit the following URLs for more information on how HySDS is being used.

More projects:

  • ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA)
  • Coast Guard Iceberg Detection
  • Collaborative Climate Model and Observational Data Services (CCMODS)
  • Common Workflow Service Integration
  • Geodetic Imaging with Large SAR Data Sets (ESI)
  • Get Ready for NISAR (GRFN)
  • MEaSUREs Water Vapor Cloud Climatology (WVCC)
  • Potential Adaptation at ASDC
  • Rapid Imaging of Natural Hazards (aria-nh)
  • SAR Science Data Processing (SDP) Foundry
  • Observational Products for End-Users from Remote Sensing Analysis (OPERA)

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Note: JPL employees can also get answers to HySDS questions at Stack Overflow Enterprise: