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What are HySDS Tasks?
Tasks are Celery-level python functions that are dispatched to run in the distributed workers.
Tasks are executed on workers.
Jobs are subclasses of Tasks that add notions of running a subprocess executable in a working directory of a worker.
Tasks have event states as they transition from queued to running and exit conditions.
Task events
See http://celery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/userguide/monitoring.html#task-events
signature: | task-sent(uuid,name,args,kwargs,retries,eta,expires,queue,exchange,routing_key) |
Sent when a task message is published and the CELERY_SEND_TASK_SENT_EVENT setting is enabled.
signature: | task-received(uuid,name,args,kwargs,retries,eta,hostname,timestamp) |
Sent when the worker receives a task.
signature: | task-started(uuid,hostname,timestamp,pid) |
Sent just before the worker executes the task.
signature: | task-succeeded(uuid,result,runtime,hostname,timestamp) |
Sent if the task executed successfully.
Runtime is the time it took to execute the task using the pool. (Starting from the task is sent to the worker pool, and ending when the pool result handler callback is called).
signature: | task-failed(uuid,exception,traceback,hostname,timestamp) |
Sent if the execution of the task failed.
signature: | task-revoked(uuid,terminated,signum,expired) |
Sent if the task has been revoked (Note that this is likely to be sent by more than one worker).
terminatedis set to true if the task process was terminated,and thesignumfield set to the signal used.
expired is set to true if the task expired.
signature: | task-retried(uuid,exception,traceback,hostname,timestamp) |
Sent if the task failed, but will be retried in the future.
Active task states
are still pending additional activity
Inactive task states
have no more activity
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Subject Matter Expert: @Marjorie Lucas @Lan Dang |
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