Managing Job Workers on Pleiades

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Confidence Level TBD  This article has not been reviewed for accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. Check that this information is valid before acting on it.

See background : NASA HECC Pleiades

Setting up Tunnel on Pleiades head node back to PCM in AWS

. The ssh tunnel to Pleiades is through Mamba Cluster factotum

. ssh -i ~/.ssh/int-aria.pem hysdsops@<IP of mamba factotum>

. The ssh tunnel configuration is under ~/.ssh/config. To ssh to the frontend node of tpfe2 of Pleiades,

. ssh tpfe2-tunnel (or use the alias pleiades='ssh tpfe2-tunnel')

. two-factor authentication (an RSA token and a password) is needed to log on

Check Tunnel Ports are live


. 8 tests should pass, the last one may fail (email service setup on factotum)

. the above script is in GitHub - hysds/hysds-hec-utils: HySDS HEC Utilities

Start “Auto-Scaling” to PBS


. adjust settings in the # input settings section if necessary

. the above script is in GitHub - hysds/hysds-hec-utils: HySDS HEC Utilities

Job Worker Singularity on Pleiades

  • Location of Work Dirs

    • . different user may have different lustre file system assignment, e.g., for user lpan, it is /nobackupp12/lpan. To get lustre quota info, run: lfs quota -u <userid> /nobackupp??

    • . work dirs are under /nobackup??/<userid>/worker/$year/$month/$day/

    • . the work dir for a pbs job will be cleaned up as the pbs job finishes

  • Location of Job Worker logs

    • . log files are under /nobackup??/<userid>/worker/logs/$year/$month/$day/

    • . the log files will be kept even after the corresponding pbs jobs finish. Manual cleanup is needed to the log files in order to stay within lustre quota.

  • on exit of each job worker, it clean up the worker’s work dirs





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