Update settings.yaml file

Read the https://hysds-core.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HYS/pages/564626021 to learn about the purpose of the file.

  1. Set the PGE_SIMULATION_MODE to true or false.

  2. Set the JOB_TYPES AND JOB_QUEUES for every PGE.

    1. The PGE name should match the pge_name defined in the https://hysds-core.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HYS/pages/564396540.

    2. The job types should match the HySDS job types. Don’t include the version of the job type.

    3. The queue should be configured per PGE type.

Here’s an example:

PGE_SIMULATION_MODE: !!bool true CHIMERA: JOB_QUEUES: L0A: nisar-job_worker-pge-l0a Time_Extractor: nisar-job_worker-pge-time_extractor L0B: nisar-job_worker-pge-l0b JOB_TYPES: L0A: job-PGE_L0A Time_Extractor: job-PGE_Time_Extractor L0B: job-PGE_L0B
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