Products Metadata

Products Metadata

Confidence Level Moderate  This article includes input from several JPLers. Multiple subject matter experts can indicate that a page is more frequently reviewed and updated.

Confidence Level Moderate  This article includes input from several JPLers. Multiple subject matter experts can indicate that a page is more frequently reviewed and updated.

This file should contain the field names found in the product’s metadata (in the ES documents), so it can be referenced in codebase.


This file is usually stored in PCM repositories at commons/constants/

You can import it in adaptation code as follows:

from commons.constants import product_metadata

You can then use it as python constants. For example, product_metadata.ANALYSIS_END_DATETIME_METADATA in the code. This is done so that we don’t need to hardcode the field names and update them from project to project. Generic functions can be carried over / reused between projects by just updating the constants values in the config files.


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