As a developer, I need to update datasets.json on factotum, so it knows about my new product type. But my changes keep getting overwritten?
How do I properly update datasets.json?
It's my understanding that you just add your entry to ~/.sds/files, and then send the update out. If it only applies to factotum, then you only really need to update factotum
10:53 AM if your datasets.json impact the verdi workers in autoscaling groups, then you will need to run the sds ship, so that it remakes all the code bundles
Update ~/.sds/files/datsets.json Run sds update factotum Login to factotum and make sure ~/verdi/etc/datasets.json was updated the way you thought it should be.
Whether you stop or start factotum again depends on if you need to restart processes to reread the new datasets.json
Summary of commands:
sds stop mozart -f
sds status mozart
sds update mozart -f
sds ship # to workers
sds start mozart