SciFlo Workflow Definition

SciFlo Workflow Definition

Confidence Level High  This article been formally reviewed and is signed off on by a relevant subject matter expert. 

Confidence Level High  This article been formally reviewed and is signed off on by a relevant subject matter expert. 

A Worflow Definition document tells SciFlo:

  • What to run

  • how to run it

  • what the inputs and outputs are

  • The order of the steps

You can find sample workflow definitions here: https://github.com/hysds/chimera/tree/develop/chimera/configs/pge_configs/examples


Workflow Definition Base

When writing the workflow definition document start with the following template:

So what are we doing in the template above?

  • Ln 2-4: Declaring sciflo namespaces

  • Ln 5: Specifying an ID for the workflow e.g “URGENT_RESPONSE_WORKFLOW“

  • Ln 6: Specifying a name for the workflow e.g “Urgent Response Pipeline“

  • Ln 8: Specifying a description for the workflow e.g “Workflow for Urgent response. It runs from L0 to L2 PGEs“

  • Ln 9 - 11: Within the <sf:inputs> block, you can list the inputs to the workflow job that should be
    available to any of the steps of the workflow. This is different than inputs for the workflow

  • Ln 12-14: Within the <sf:outputs> block, you will reference the output of one of the steps (likely the
    final step) in the workflow as the output of the workflow job.

  • Ln 15 - 16: In the sf:processes block, you’ll be defining the order and definition of every step - known
    as the process

Workflow Inputs

<sf:inputs> <sf_context>_context.json</sf_context> </sf:inputs>

You can list the inputs to the workflow job in the format <tag_name>input value</tag_name>

The tag name will be available to use as a variable for all the processes in the workflow.

For example, below is the definition of a process. I want to use to have the _context.json as an input to a process called ORBIT_PGE. So I will list the tag name sf_context in the list on inputs as <sf_context/> (Ln 3).

<sf:process id="ORBIT_PGE"> <sf:inputs> <sf_context/> <pge_orbit_job_params from="@#previous"/> <pge_config_file>/path/to/configs/PGE_ORBIT.json</pge_config_file> <sys_config_file>/path/to/configs/sys.config.json</sys_config_file> </sf:inputs> ... </sf:process>

Workflow Process

Let’s look at how to define a process. To do so you will need the following information:

  1. process id

  2. inputs

  3. outputs

  4. operation description

  5. operation command

<sf:process id="input_pp_orbit"> <sf:inputs> <sf_context/> <pge_config_file>/path/to/configs/PGE_ORBIT.json</pge_config_file> <sys_config_file>/path/to/configs/sys.config.json</sys_config_file> </sf:inputs> <sf:outputs> <pge_orbit_job_params/> </sf:outputs> <sf:operator> <sf:description>Pre processing step for Orbit PGE</sf:description> <sf:op> <sf:binding>python:/path/to/input_preprocessor.py?input_preprocessor.process</sf:binding> </sf:op> </sf:operator> </sf:process>

Process ID

This is the unique identifier for the workflow process. In the example above, it’s input_pp_orbit.

Process Inputs

You specify the list of inputs in the sf:inputs block. We follow the format mentioned earlier of <tag_name>input value</tag_name>

Your inputs can be:

Previously defined things like the <sf_context/>

  • A constant string or integer value, e.g.



  • The path to a file, e.g


  • An output of another process, e.g.

    • You can refer to the output of the previous process, where PGE_L0A_job_params is declared as the process’s sf:outputs

      <PGE_L0A_job_params from="@#previous"/>

    • If you want to refer to the output by explicitly mentioning the process’s name then it would look like:

      <PGE_L0A_job_params from="@#input_pp_L0A"/>

The inputs are treated positionally, i.e. they should be listed in the order the function called in the binding accesses them.


The function called with these inputs is: process(sf_context, chimera_config_file, pge_config_filepath, settings_file)

Process Operation

In the sf:operator block you need to specify:

  • Description of the operation

  • The operation

The operations are declared in SciFlo by specifying a binding.

The binding can be:

  • function call e.g. a python function

  • job submission to Mozart

Python Function

To call a python function, you need to specify the python script and python function to call in the following way:



Job Submission

This submits a standalone job to mozart. So it will picked up by a worker which may or may not run on the same node as the SciFlo job. The format of a SciFlo binding for job submission is:

The job submission binding needs to specify:

  • job queue="jobs_processed"

Don’t change the job_queue, it’s the internal queue used by sciflo. The job payload constructed within the run_pge_docker script contains the PGE job's queue name. It is determined from a config file.

  • async mode: specifies whether the job should be run asynchronously or not.

    • False - Sciflo process will hold the workflow from moving forward and wait for the result of the job execution.

    • True - Sciflo process will submit the job and the workflow will go on to the next process (if any).

  • binding

    • parallel:python:?python_script.function_name

    • parallel is specifying that the job will be run in parallel

    • the function called here should return the job payload to submit


Process Outputs

You specify the list of inputs in the sf:outputs block.

Whatever is returned from the operation performed in this process will be stored in your output_var_name

For example,

For the binding <sf:binding job_queue="jobs_processed" async="false">parallel:python:?run_pge_docker.submit_pge_job</sf:binding>

The python function’s return statement is:

The output for this process is:

Workflow Output

Within the sf:outputs block, you can list the output of the workflow job in the format <output_name from="@#process_id"/>

The output_name should match the name of the output defined the process that is referenced in from="@#process_id"

Here is an example:

The PGE_L0A process defines its output as job_id_PGE_L0A.

Now we want this to be the final step of the workflow. So we would say the job_id_PGE_L0A from process PGE_L0A is the output of the workflow. It looks like this:


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