Add New Queue for Workers Running on Factotum

This is a work in progress and is incomplete

  1. ssh into factotum and edit /data/export/home/hysdsops/verdi/etc/supervisord.conf

  2. Add the following specified to the desired parameters (note some parameters may be different and the parameters are <queue name> and <num workers>):

    [program:<queue name>] directory=/export/home/hysdsops/verdi/ops/hysds environment=HYSDS_ROOT_WORK_DIR="/data/work", HYSDS_DATASETS_CFG="/export/home/hysdsops/verdi/etc/datasets.json" command=celery worker --app=hysds --concurrency=1 --loglevel=INFO -Q <queue name> -n %(program_name)s.%(process_num)02d.%%h -O fair --without-mingle --without-gossip --heartbeat-interval=60 process_name=%(program_name)s-%(process_num)02d priority=1 numprocs=<num workers> numprocs_start=0 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile=%(here)s/../log/%(program_name)s-%(process_num)02d.log stdout_logfile_maxbytes=70MB stdout_logfile_backups=5 startsecs=10
  3. Save the file and run the following commands:

    1. supervisorctl reread

    2. supervisorctl update

  4. Verify the changes were applied by seeing if the queue appears as an option in Tosca

  5. For the changes to be permanent, add to factotum’s supervisord.conf on mozart:

    1. /export/home/hysdsops/.sds/files/supervisord.conf.factotum


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