Commonly Used Acronyms
Term | Description |
PGE | Product Generating Executor - a set of executable binaries and/or scripts that generate an output file or files of interest |
non-PGE | a set of executable binaries and/or scripts that perform some action of which their output files are inconsequential |
AOI | Area Of Interest |
ARIA | Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis |
ES | Elasticsearch |
EW | Extra-Wide Swath |
GRFN | Getting Ready For NISAR |
GUNW | Geo-Unwrap |
GRQ | Geo Region Query, the product catalog holding metadata about all of our products |
HySDS | Hybrid-cloud Science Data System |
IW | Interferometric Wide Swath |
OPS | Operations |
PAGER | Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response |
PDL | Product Distribution Layer |
PGE | Product Generation Executive |
PREORB | Precision Orbit |
SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar |
SLC | Single-Look Complex |
TLA | Three-Letter Acronym |
HySDS Components
Term | Description |
Mozart | the HySDS component that orchestrates jobs, job queues, and other resources |
Metrics | machine that acts are a repository of telemetry for all the HySDS machines, HySDS core has a standard set of things sent to metrics, adaptations can capture additional information |
GRQ | the HySDS component that provides the dataset catalog, APIs manipulating them, and various search interfaces |
Verdi | Runs jobs; may be referred to as `worker node` or `worker instance` |
Factotum | A specialized `verdi` instance for processing rule triggers and on-demand requests (small jobs); may also be used for one-off tasks such as connection-throttled data downloads or data source API querying |
CI | Provides continuous integration of versioned PGE/non-PGE containers and automates cluster integration |
Celery | Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue or job queue which is based on distributed message passing |
Tosca | Search for products, operate on products, either get rid of them or input to a pipeline, or add a trigger rule to automate actions based on incoming products, also the web interface for GRQ |
HySDS Concepts
Term | Description |
Job | A versioned PGE/non-PGE or instance thereof that is wrapped and encapsulated in a docker container; within the container, PGEs are wrapped to generate datasets |
Job-spec | HySDS job specification; usually refers to the JSON file that contains it `job-spec.json` |
Hysds-io | HySDS I/O specification; usually refers to the JSON file that contains it, `hysds-io.json` |
Worker | A celery worker that executes jobs |
Worker node | A compute instance that runs one or many workers; synonymous with `verdi` node or `verdi` instance |
Dataset | A single, logical product type or instance thereof that encapsulates all files of interest generated by a PGE into a directory along with inherent HySDS-specific JSON files |
Wrapper | An executable binary or script that executes a PGE to generate an output file or files of interest, forms a dataset, and may execute other non-PGE tasks |
Cluster | an instantiation of a group of HySDS component instances composed of (at a minimum) `mozart`, `metrics`, `grq`, `factotum`, and `ci` instances |
Other Terms
Term | Description |
Pleiades | Super computer at Ames, used by a variety of projects at NASA/JPL. Being integrated with HySDS Core |
LDAP group | JPL specific way of managing user accounts. Used to manage people’s access to HySDS |
PCM | HySDS consists of the Process Control Management (PCM) services which provide data discovery, workflow orchestration, metrics collection, a special worker node for system and light weight jobs, and continuous integration |
Terraform Scripts | Related to deployment. Makes it easier to stand up the HySDS cluster and configure it |
Docker | Lightweight virtual machine that you can package up your software |
S3 | Simple storage solution. AWS specific, used primarily to store files (input/output products, PGE code, snapshots. Long term storage for data products |
Osaka | Abstraction layer that deals with data set transfer between various end points, operates at a data set level |
AMI | Amazon Machine Image. Used to create virtual machine within EC2. It contains a snapshot, launch permissions, etc. HySDS uses 4 AMIs that correspond to the instances: GRQ, Factotum, Metrics, Mozart |
Elasticsearch | All relevant metadata associated with jobs is stored in Elasticsearch, integrated into HySDS Core services. |
WebDav | Allows you to interact with a directory structure as a we interface and access each worker, a way to expose the working directory on workers via web interface. |
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