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Stack Overflow Question Table for Populating FAQ



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I am working with a HySDS system. I am trying to remove a PGE that was installed on this HySDS system.

I tried using

sds ci remove https://github.com/aria-jpl/create_aoi_track

But it failed with an error involving jenkins. How do I fix it?

Per Alex Torres:

If you want to deregister the PGE from Jenkins --> use sds ci remove_job If you want to remove the package (tarball) from Mozart --> use sds pkg rm you can find a list of packages using sds pkg ls

To explain the follow up question about how to re-add a package, Mohammed Karim added:

for sds pkg import to work, you need to have the tar file created by jenkins with you. It will upload it to appropriate s3 bucket. you can get that tar by running sds pkg export. We generally use these to move a container build in one cluster to another

say you have build it in 'a' cluster jenkins. after building, you can download it in 'a' cluster's mozart using 'sds pkg export'. Now you can move it to another cluster's mozart and run sds pkg import to get that container in that cluster

sds ci generally use to add/build/remove a job to jenkins.


S.O. link: https://stackoverflow.jpl.nasa.gov/questions/1531


Where can I find feature milestones for HySDS?

under the general module: https://github.jpl.nasa.gov/hysds-org/general/milestones




How/where can users be added to the Github repo?



needs to be re-worded to be specific to hysds core”


Where are project level issues posted to?



question is important but answer needs to be checked for accuracy.”


A little off topic question, can jobs be run as lambdas?

Hook Hua  1:25 PM

@Sujen Shah great question. We are planning for that in our AIST 2018 project. Also looking into running serverless equivalents across AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure




Documentation question: After you stand up HySDS system, how do you add another queue?





How do you do the import of the kibana in the dashboard?

sdscli/sdscli/adapters/hysds/files/kibana_dashboard_import/import_dashboard.sh.tmpl at develop · sdskit/sdscli




Does any one remember what was the resolution for this error ?

Failed to download image {}:

Cooperation error for /data/work/cache{}: Unable to locate credentials





Please advise whether there is a better way of doing it than this:

Cloned git repos.  Finished updating code to remove triage and update queues.

After I pushed the source code, had to go to each repo to cut a new release

Then I had to startup both dev Mozart and Tosca and [cont.]






do we have a post processor job in hysds configured in the job_spec that is run after the current job has successfully finished publishing to the database ?

My use case is to download the generated product to a location on prem at JPL (Product delivery to LOM) ?

Currently we are using triggers to achieve this, but it is not efficient. Since the PGE and delivery jobs are different and run on different nodes we are not leveraging caching.

Lan B Dang  10:45 AM

Isn't that what triage uses?

Hook Hua  10:48 AM

@Sujen Shah I think there are many ways to achieve this. The default way is via triggers to keep it generic and flexible. Another way to avoid triggered rules evaluation is to have the PGE (or post-step) directly submit the “localize to on-prem” job.




Could either of you give me the commands to backup the elasticsearch indices in mozart and grq?  I want to start with a relatively clean slate on OCO-2 HySDS processing but I'd like to keep the ES indices for later analysis.

Do you want to back it up to a different ES installation, or to a file ?

Lan B Dang  1:56 PM

to a file

Sujen Shah  1:56 PM

I use the npm elasticdump utility to back up to a file


New document:

How to Backup Elasticsearch in HySDS


Is there example code to populate a new ES index based on products already ingested into an S3 bucket?





Is there a master list of HySDS TPS by release?

as far a TPS such as ES, rabbitmq, and redis, no. But in each release tarball in artifactory, there is a list of the python dependency packages included in the tarball.




 as per our latest community forum, we have multiple functionalities that are being developed and brought into core, for eg. Caching, Triaging, etc… Is there a place wiki / github where these core features are being designed, reviewed and commented upon before they are actually developed and pushed  on github ?

If not I would like to propose we create an issue against the GitHub - hysds/hysds-framework: HySDS framework releases repo and discuss there before the actual development begins.

great idea. we have pushed out features as github milestones. They are on JPL’s GHE under the “general” module https://github.jpl.nasa.gov/hysds-org/general/milestones. it documents things like multi-tier caching https://github.jpl.nasa.gov/hysds-org/general/milestone/16

I understand that SWOT also has their own separate repos for HySDS Core features.

The current bottleneck is that we did a previous initial copy our onto HySDS and it went out of sync since there are other HySDS Core repos




Who is HySDS for?





What kind of data does it process?





Where do you get the raw data before it's processed?





Is the raw data something I can access? If so, how?





Is the hysds processed data something I can access? If so, how?





How much is running HySDS on Amazon going to cost me?





How much time will it take for me to learn how to use this?





How do I interpret the interferograms that HySDS produces?





How do I write some code that HySDS can utilize?





I’m a scientist conducting earth science research, how do I access the data produced by hysds?





I’m a member of the scientific community, where can I go to download the hysds software and set it up?





Can I use hysds to process my own earth science data?










Purple questions = Questions posed on placeholder FAQ page

Jira ticket for question revision: HC-240: Revise Slack questions for Stack Overflow seedingOpen









Note: JPL employees can also find answers to HySDS questions at Stack Overflow Enterprise



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Note: JPL employees can also get answers to HySDS questions at Stack Overflow Enterprise: