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Excerpts below from: HySDS APIs
Pele Links and Examples
Code can be found in:
GitHub - hysds/pele: REST API for HySDS Datasets
Enables us to query datasets -- clean up the terminology. -- Gerald may be documenting this in SDD
Was developed mainly for Osiris (urgent response UI), based on what Namrata needed during development.
Currently, main user is Osiris (urgent response UI)
Future users -- science users who want to pull data programmatically, ops reporting
dataset types
list datasets of a certain type. (are results paginated?)
get ids by dataset (so we can pull out more specific info later)
get ids by type
get dataset by id
query for certain fields for specified type and dataset.
list datasets that overlap temporally (by ID) or spatially
Used to grab all acquisitions or product types that match AOI spatially and temporal extent
list overlapping datasets of particular types
check for each type whether products exist or not
for example, only care about COD or LAR or SLCP
swagger api requires authentication
need to authenticate for post, but not gets (confirm with Gerald)
dataset and dataset type.
get datasettype based on dataset
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Subject Matter Expert: @Namrata Malarout @Hook Hua |
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