Python 2 to Python 3

Python 2 to Python 3

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Confidence Level High  This article been formally reviewed and is signed off on by a relevant subject matter expert. 

Confidence Level High  This article been formally reviewed and is signed off on by a relevant subject matter expert. 

We are working on porting our python 2 PGE's to python 3. Individual PGE's will be tested and validated against equivalent datasets in C-cluster. Once all PGE's have been validated, a system level test of the pipeline will be performed to ensure all trigger rules are in place and all expected products are generated.


<update pipeline diagram>

PGE's Ported to Python 3

AOI Ops Report
AOI Merged Track Stitcher
Interferogram Auditor
Registered SLC Pair Auditor
Feature Extractor
Reprocess Interferogram POE Org
S1 coherence and amplitude
S1 log amplitude ratio 
Interferogram stack evaluator
timeseries stack evaluator
dense offset product
Interferogram product
registered SLC pair
MRPE registered SLC Pair
standard product sciflo S1 IFG single scene
topsapp intergram
topsapp registered SLC pair
datasling extract for ASF
datasling extract for Scihub
Standard Product Completeness Evaluator
AOI completeness evaluator
S1_GUNW completeness evaluator
S1_GUNW completeness evaluator (Greylist)
SLC sling
Standard Product
AOI track acquisition enumerator
acquisition evaluator
SLC localizer
SAR avail
multi acquisition localizer
orphan datasets finder
Standard Product Report
USGS evaluator
Scihub acquisition scraper
S1 qc ingest
AOI enumerator submitter
leaflet ingester
ASF SNS handshaking
Product delivery
Standard Product Validator
Create AOI rules


PGE test list is incomplete. We are currently focusing on the main pipeline

AOI based submission of acq scraper jobs

  • build: develop

  • input:

  • output:

AOI based submission of ipf scraper jobs

  • build: develop

  • input:

  • output:

AOI Enumerator Submitter

  • build: develop

  • input:

  • output:

AOI Merged Track Stitcher

  • build: python3

  • input:

  • output:

AOI Validate Acquisitions

  • build: develop

  • input:

  • output:

AWS Get Script

  • build: v0.0.8

  • input:

  • output:

Data Sling Extract for asf

  • build: python3

  • input:

  • output:

Data Sling Extract for Scihub

  • build: python3

  • input:

  • output:

Test Procedures

Test Description:

Run the enumerator submitter as an on-demand job to generate the acquisition lists. Compare output acquisition lists to those generated over the same AOI on C-cluster.

Github Repo: https://github.com/aria-jpl/aoi_enumerator_submitter

Pass Criteria:

  • All expected acquisition lists were successfully generated

Input dataset:  <link to dataset used> (a single AOI)

Output dataset: <link to slc's generated> (acquisition lists)


<summary of test results; quick description of any validation done with datasets from c-cluster>

Test Description:

Run the AOI track acquisition enumerator as an on-demand job to generate the acquisition lists. Compare output acquisition lists to those generated over the same AOI on C-cluster.

Github Repo: https://github.com/aria-jpl/standard_product.git

Pass Criteria:

  • All expected acquisition lists were successfully generated

Input dataset:  <link to dataset used> (S1-AUX_POEORB)

Output dataset: <link to slc's generated> (acquisition lists)


<summary of test results; quick description of any validation done with datasets from c-cluster>

Test Description:

Run the localizer as an on-demand job to generate the sling jobs for the missing slc's.

Github Repo: https://github.com/aria-jpl/standard_product.git

Pass Criteria:

  • All identified missing slc's from acquisition list input set have sling jobs spun up for them.

  • There are no sling jobs generated for slc's already in the system.

Input dataset:  <link to dataset used> (acquisition lists)

Output dataset: <link to slc's generated> (sling jobs)


<summary of test results; quick description of any validation done with datasets from c-cluster>

Test Description:

Run the evaluator as an on-demand job to ensure all expected ifg-cfg's are generated.

Github Repo: https://github.com/aria-jpl/standard_product.git

Pass Criteria:

  • Compare ifg-cfg datasets that were generated to those that were generated on C-cluster over the same set of SLC's.

Input dataset:  <link to dataset used> (slc's)

Output dataset: <link to slc's generated> (ifg-cfgs)


<summary of test results; quick description of any validation done with datasets from c-cluster>


For this example we are porting the aoi ops report.

  1. Create a python3 virtual environment.
     virtualenv env3 -p python3 to create the virtual environment

  2. Start the python3 virtual environment.
    source ~/env3/bin/activate to start a python 3 virtual environment

  3. Pull contents of repo on a new branch named python3

  4.  Run futurize over the contents of the repo.
    pip install future
    cd <repo>
    futurize -w -n -p .

    Output will show what has been changed.

  5. ssh into e mozart to add the python3 converted pge : sds ci add_job -k -b develop https://github.com/aria-jpl/standard_product_report.git s3

  6. Go to e jenkins and click configure. Specify the branch as python3 branch and build. check the docker file change FROM to the latest branch. wait for build to complete successfully. may take a few minutes. will publish job to e cluster automatically.

  7. Go to e cluster and run job. step into container if you need to debug stuff.

  8. Once job runs successfully, push changes to dev.

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