Remove PGE from Tosca Actions List
Use this procedure to remove actions from the actions list in Tosca. This is helpful for keeping the list short and current.
Log into the Mozart instance
Get the list of packages
ex.sds pkg ls
Copy the name of the package you want to remove then run the following:
sds pkg rm <PACKAGE>
ex.sds pkg rm container-aria-jpl_standard_product_report:on_demand
Unregister the job from Jenkins
sds ci remove_job -b <BRANCH> <GITHUB_URL>
ex.sds ci remove_job -b on_demand
(Optional) Remove / clean-up your PGE container image from the deployed machine
SSH into the deployment machine where your image is being executed (i.e. different than Mozart)
Rundocker images
Find your image in the given list, and look for the ID number
Remove / cleanup your image(s) via:docker rmi <ID>