Add Chimera Configuration File

Add Chimera Configuration File

You can read about the file: Chimera Config File

  1. Decide on adaptation script names for the 3 Chimera steps.
    e.g. In NISAR, under the adaptation directory, we created the following:

    1. precondition_functions.py - The preconditions adaptation script containing a class named NisarPreConditionFunctions which is a sub-class of PreConditionFunctions.

    2. nisar_pge_job_submitter.py - The PGE job submission adaptation script containing a class named NisarPgeJobSubmitter which is a sub-class of PgeJobSubmitter.

    3. postprocess_functions.py - The PGE job submission adaptation script containing a class named NisarPostProcessFunctions which is a sub-class of PostProcessFunctions.

2. Then create a file named chimera_config.yaml in the configs directory following the template provided in Chimera Config File
e.g for the NISAR chimera_config.yaml is as follows:

module_path is a path to where the given class can be found # This tells Chimera how to load in the precondition functions class in order to do the input preprocessor step. # class_name must be a subclass of Chimera's PreConditionFunctions class. preprocessor: module_path: nisar_chimera.precondition_functions class_name: NisarPreConditionFunctions # This tells Chimera how to load in the job submitter class in order to do the PGE job submission step. # class_name must be a subclass of Chimera's PgeJobSubmitter class. job_submitter: module_path: nisar_chimera.nisar_pge_job_submitter class_name: NisarPgeJobSubmitter # This tells Chimera how to load in the post processor class in order to run any custom post processing. # class_name must be a subclass of Chimera's PostProcessFunctions class. postprocessor: module_path: nisar_chimera.postprocess_functions class_name: NisarPostProcessFunctions


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