Create, Edit, & Delete Trigger Rules

Create, Edit, & Delete Trigger Rules

Confidence Level High  This article been formally reviewed and is signed off on by a relevant subject matter expert. 

Confidence Level High  This article been formally reviewed and is signed off on by a relevant subject matter expert. 

Create a Trigger Rule

This guide demonstrates how to create a trigger rule that notifies a user when a job is completed.

Navigate to the Resource Manager to create a trigger rule using specific conditions.

  1. Select the desired conditions, via facets, to establish the trigger rule. In this example, a trigger rule for Completed jobs is created (See #1 in image).

  2. The applied facets will appear in blue boxes under the search box (#2).

  3. Once the facets are selected, click the “Trigger Rule” button (#3).

Figure 1: (#1) Completed Jobs facet tile (#2) Applied facets (#3) Trigger Rule option

4. In the Trigger Rule pop-up window, choose a unique tag to track and monitor the Trigger Rule (#4).

5. Select the desired action to be taken once the faceted condition is met in the “Action” menu (#5).

Figure 2: (#4) Add a unique tag (#5) Select desired action (#3) Specific parameter options based on action (varies)

6. In this example, “Notify by email” is selected. A text box parameter box appears to add an email (#6).

Edit a Trigger Rule

  1. To edit an existing trigger rule, click the link labeled “My Rules” in the upper right corner (#7).

Figure 3: (#7) My Rules link to access existing Trigger Rules

2. In the pop-up window, each Trigger Rule is displayed horizontally. To edit an individual rule, select the blue “Edit” button on the right hand side (#8).

Figure 4: (#8) Trigger Rule edit button (#9) Trigger rule delete button

3. In the Edit window, the parameters of each Trigger Rule can be updated in the lower portion of the window (#10). Once updated, click “OK” to save (#11).

Figure 6: (#10) Trigger Rule update options (#11) Save changes

Delete a Trigger Rule

  1. Select the link labeled “My Rules” in the upper right corner (see #7 in Figure 3).

  2. To delete a rule, select the yellow “Delete” button on the right hand side (see #9 in Figure 4).

  3. In the Delete Confirmation window, click “Yes” to confirm the deletion of the Trigger Rule (#12).

Figure 7: (#12) Confirmation window to delete Trigger Rule


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