Intro to Figaro: the HySDS Resource Manager

Confidence Level Moderate  This article includes input from several JPLers. Multiple subject matter experts can indicate that a page is more frequently reviewed and updated.

Confidence Level Moderate  This article includes input from several JPLers. Multiple subject matter experts can indicate that a page is more frequently reviewed and updated.

The HySDS Resource Manager (called “Figaro”) allows operators to monitor the status of jobs submitted via the Facet Search page (Tosca). Both On-Demand jobs and jobs automatically submitted via a trigger rule can be monitored here during the job execution process.

Job Status Tiles:

  1. Total - View all jobs in HySDS regardless of status

  2. Queued - Jobs submitted for processing waiting to be assigned a worker node

  3. Started - Jobs assigned a worker node and are currently being processed

  4. Completed - All successfully processed jobs

  5. Failed - Jobs which, due to a variety of potential factors, were not processed

  6. Revoked - A job that’s stopped

  7. Deduped - Submitted jobs which match a previously completed, queued, or started job

  8. Offline - An offline worker

  9. Purged - Jobs which are deleted from HySDS and removed from the ES indices

Note: failed jobs which are resubmitted are not flagged as Depuped jobs. If a job fails, an operator can resubmit it for processing without issue.


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@Marjorie Lucas

@Lan Dang

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